Create a Free Website

Build your own website with W3Schools Spaces.

Free Website Builder

  • Create a website
  • Free templates
  • 500 requests / month
  • 100 MB data / month
  • 100 MB storage
  • subdomain
  • SSL certificate

By clicking the "Get started" button, you agree to W3Schools' Terms of Service and Privacy Policy


Create your own website and share it with others

Code editor

Code directly in your browser


Start with ready-to-use designs and structures

File manager

Upload and handle files in browser


Learn, test, and go live with your space


Playground for HTML, CSS and JavaScript

How it works

Window icon First line Template icon Second line Code icon Third line Globe icon
  1. 1. Join W3Schools - and create a space
  2. 2. Choose a template - or start from scratch
  3. 3. Edit your code and make it yours
  4. 4. Share your space with someone
Window icon

1. Join W3Schools - and create a space

Template icon

2. Choose a template - or start from scratch

Code icon

3. Edit your code and make it yours

Globe icon

4. Share your space with someone

Start Free - upgrade later

Master new skills

$0    /month


For new web developers ready to create their first site.

  • Build static sites
  • 1 space
  • 100 MB storage
  • 100 MB data / month
  • 500 requests / month
  • subdomain
  • SSL certificate

$0.99    /month


When you need one space and no ads.

  • Build static sites
  • 1 space
  • 500 MB storage
  • 500 MB data / month
  • 2 500 requests / month
  • subdomain
  • SSL certificate

$6.99    /month


For those running multiple spaces with more traffic.

  • Build static sites
  • 10 space
  • 3 GB storage
  • 15 GB data / month
  • 200 000 requests / month
  • subdomain
  • SSL certificate

$12.99    /month


Build more sites and grow your online presence.

  • Build static sites
  • 20 space
  • 10 GB storage
  • 200 GB data / month
  • 5000 000 requests / month
  • subdomain
  • SSL certificate